Friday, May 29, 2009
new work
[This review will be up soon... for now click the images below and see the excellent piece of art that is this CD.]Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day, 2009
The Oldest To Die In Iraq
"He had a big heart."
By Jim Kavanagh
(CNN) -- Army Maj. Steven Hutchison fought battles in the jungles of Vietnam. Then he fought an epic battle on the home front. And at age 60, he still wasn't done fighting for his country.Maj. Steven Hutchison served 22 years in his first Army stint, then returned at age 57. He died Sunday (5/10/09).
The battle ended for Hutchison on Sunday. He died in Basra, Iraq, of wounds from a roadside bomb in Al Farr. He is the oldest U.S. service member to die in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Hutchison joined the Army in 1966 and served two one-year tours in Vietnam, according to a news release from Fort Riley, Kansas, home of Hutchison's 1st Infantry Division, the famous "Big Red One."
Over the next 22 years, he was a platoon leader in Germany and commander of a basic training company at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.
Along the way, he earned a doctorate in psychology from the University of Delaware and became an assistant professor of military science at Claremont College in California. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and the Meritorious Service Medal, among others.
Hutchison retired from the military in 1988 and took up the quiet life of a college professor. He taught at several small colleges in California and became a researcher for a health care company in Scottsdale, Arizona, said his brother, Richard Hutchison.
But Hutchison felt compelled to re-enlist after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. His wife, Kandy, vetoed that idea, however.
That decision proved fateful as Hutchison was able to stand by his wife's side through her battle with breast cancer. She died of the disease in January 2006.
The always-athletic Hutchison channeled his grief by whipping himself into shape and returning to active duty at age 57 the following year, his brother said. Military rules say retirees may be recalled up to age 64 for general officers, 62 for warrant officers and 60 for all others.
Hutchison served a tour in Afghanistan and then was sent to Iraq, where he was part of a team training Iraqi forces to secure their own country.
"He's been a soldier his whole life," Richard Hutchison, of Mesa, Arizona, told CNN affiliate KNXV-TV.
"He was a great guy," he told CNN. "We hung around together, we went to the movies together, went out to dinner together. He loved to shoot pool; we used to shoot pool all the time, either at my house or at his house. He was just a great friend and a great brother."
The soldier-psychology professor, who is also survived by two daughters and two half-siblings, had a mischievous side, too.
"He liked to tease me about him being younger than me, even though he was five years older than me," Richard Hutchison said with a soft chuckle. "He would tell everyone he was the youngest one. And they would believe him. Made me feel real good."
Richard Hutchison plans to fly to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware over the weekend to claim his brother's body and return it to Scottsdale for burial.
The last communication the brothers had was a routine e-mail Steven Hutchison sent from Iraq about two weeks ago. He rarely wrote about his experiences in Iraq, Richard Hutchison said.
However, there was one matter on the ground that the soldier involved his brother in.
"When he was in Iraq, they found a dog and were taking care of it. He sent me an e-mail asking me to send some dog food and dog supplies," Hutchison said. The Army made Hutchison's team give up the dog, but they left it in good hands, his brother said.
"He had a big heart."
Sunday, May 17, 2009
band review: METRIC
Metric, Featuring Emily Haines
review by Tim FennellPhotos from Click the pics for the larger versions.
I see HUGE commercial success for this group of musicians, and I am encouraging every person reading this to go to after you finish reading this review. I like it, I like it a lot, and out of all of the 15 tracks I've just listened to, quite a few of them repeatedly, I am realizing that Metric has figured out and designed formulas of writing music that not only takes your breath away, but also leaves you pissed at the world, and happy to be alive all within the same hour or so that it takes to listen to their catalog of music that is posted on myspace. They have written and recorded stories of your life, cleverly.~TF
Photos credits - At top, Emily Haines crowd surfs off a stage, by At bottom, the band METRIC, by (Click each pic to enlarge.) Both photos are from Metric's myspace page at
OB Heathen Parade bonfire
Bonfire of the Heathens
Video by the totally amazing Reviewer Robtaped on 5.16.09, 11:55PM
The Ocean Beach Heathen Parade is an annual affair that takes place in San Diego, California, every May on Newport Avenue. It culminated like this on the beach near the lifegaurd tower this year. It's a carnal celebration with a varying theme. This year it was Clowns, while a previous year's theme was Smurfs.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Andy Milonakis, King of Random
Andy Milonakis,
King of Random
by Jaime WintersA few years ago my brother showed me this hilarious video of some pudgy kid playing the guitar and singing about how everything is gay (The Super Bowl Is Gay). I couldn’t stop laughing! Then a couple of years later I saw The Andy Milonakis Show, and I was like, "WOW! IS THIS REAL? OR AM I TRIPPING?”
Andy Milonakis’ viral videos gained the attention of Jimmy Kimmel, and Milonakis appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Live Show between 2003-2004. His own Andy Milonakis Show aired on MTV between 2005-2006. He has since been in feature films, including Waiting, Still Waiting, Two Dudes and a Dream, and Extreme Movie. According to his recent Twitter (05/14/09), Milonakis was just fired from the LOST movie. Bummer.
The Busboy’s Paradise EP was the last official rap release Andy Milonakis appeared on. He has since collaborated with J-Kwon, Kyle Lucas, and Dirt Nasty. Currently you can purchase an MP3 of his latest song, "Let Me Twitter Dat."
Unfortunately, Andy didn’t seem too keen on interviewing via phone, but I did receive a MySpace message on 03/07/09 with the following answers to some of my questions.
Listen to Andy Milonakis’ sick tracks:
And subscribe to his You Tube channel:
the interview:
Jaime Winters: You started your comedy career by making funny videos for the Internet. You have since been in major motion pictures, yet you continue to post random silly videos on your You Tube channel. Why?
Andy Milonakis: Your question implies that YouTube is there for people who haven't already "made it" but that's not true at all. There are plenty of popular music groups, actors, directors, etc... The internet is taking over and people are starting to watch You Tube more than TV. So to answer your question, I have no idea. It's fun. I've been making stupid videos for the internet for years before You Tube and I'll be making them years after YouTube, ALL PRAISE OBAMA. CAN WE MAKE INTERNET VIDEOS? YES WE CAN.
JW: Is that your music studio I see in your videos?
AM: Yes, I'm currently making music errrday .
JW: You've said you gotta call people out sometimes. Have you had to be blunt as fuck lately?
AM: Yes, actually my bluntness is at an all time high. Pun kinda intended after formation of sentence was completed. Fuck people. There are a lot of sucky people in this world that think they can be an asshole and get away with it.... I like to call them an asshole and perhaps get one of my large friends to break their arms so they realize they can only get away with it sometimes.
JW: What's your favorite prank pulled?
AM: I guess the pizza guy coming when I was tied up and I had peanut butter on my face because it was my first prank for the show and we had to do it 5 times because every time I dropped the Chinese food on the floor, it was so heavy and greasy that it made a loud thud so I started laughing and ruining the gag every time, it took us hours to get a good one.
JW: Do you consider marijuana a drug?
AM: Marijuana is good for you, it's like water but it's dry. The only thing is these Hollywood hookers don't suck your dick for weed, only coke. DAMN, I wish coke was as good as weed because I'd be getting my D essed a whole lot more.
JW: If you are as into weed as it seems, have you been to Oregon?
AM: No, does Oregon have good weed? I want to play Oregon Trail while smoking weed. YOU KILLED 2 CARIBOU. YUMMMM, I WANT TO EAT CARIBOU. Your wheel axle is broken. DAMN I GUESS I SHOULD CHILL IN My WAGON AND SMOKE MORE WEED.
JW: I know you like space science. What do you think about dark energy?
AM: It's kinda like, I don't know It's 11am, I went to bed 2 hours ago, me and my friends killed 6 bottles last night and my head feels like a Miley Cirus AIDS test.
JW: You post rap songs on MySpace regularly, any forthcoming albums?
AM: Yes, hopefully in about 3 months, then I might plan a tour.
AM: I'm hung over, I deleted the questions I didn't want to answer, hope that's enough for you. pEACE
The Grams and Chuck Schiele
Chuck Schiele of The Grams
Winners of the 2006 & 2007 San Diego Music Awards
Reviewed by Dr. YobbThis is one guy who makes me proud to be living in San Diego. Chuck Schiele’s music reminds me of how good music used to sound, greats like Dire Straits would be big fans of Chuck Schiele. His music is textural and atmospheric while still being catchy and enjoyable. The use of violins and slow melodies brings an air of relaxation, while still rocking out. His accomplishments throughout his career are a real inspiration and sign of the many possibilities available to those who work hard in San Diego.
Hailing from Ocean Beach, Chuck has been a huge part in bring local music into the spotlight. With Beach Music Mafia, Chuck’s own promotion and event organization group, he has helped to bring into focus the wealth of talent within San Diego. Chuck also opened his own full service recording studio in 2005, Studiob-92107 and continues to be a leader and inspiration to musicians and fans alike. His now defunct band The Grams were winners of the 2006 & 2007 San Diego Music Awards. Their sound is a mix of genre bending blues, soul, funk, flamenco and rock that really just makes me want to dance! They are a group of great musicians, with signs of their talent pouring through the sounds. I’m really glad I found their music and am looking forward to hearing more things from Chuck Schiele. If you’re in town be sure to look him up and be sure to see him live!
Below: a photo of Check Schiele, from somewhere on the interweb.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Reviewer Magazine GETS SQUIRRLEY!
The White Squirrels Of Missouri
By PsychokittyFrom Suburban Blight
Yes, white squirrels in Missouri do exist. In one particular town, Marionville Missouri.
Founded by James MARION Moore in 1854, the "land of seven springs" first saw settlers as early as the 1830's. Early settlers established homes due to the abundance of the clear, fresh water provided by the springs in the area. One of the main springs is located just below the entrance of the City Park. Others are throughout the Park and surrounding countryside. A teacher's college was established in the 1870's, but closed its doors in 1924. The campus was taken over by the Methodist Church and many of the college buildings were converted into a retirement community which still exists today. In the area that is now the City Park, a creamery was established in 1911. It was ranked second in the state, producing over 38,000 lbs of butter in 1913. Several other businesses called the area home to include the Honey Creek Bottling Works and a tomato-canning factory.
Visitors to Marionville are attracted by the fine, old Victorian architecture and to catch a glimpse of our white squirrels. The totally white creatures roam the streets and yards. They are protected by City Ordinance. The white squirrels have been here, reportedly, since the late 1800's. Pictures of them have graced magazines, newspapers and even appeared on the 1915 Marionville College Yearbook. They have received national recognitions and have been the subject of several television documentaries. White Squirrel memorabilia: t-shirts, ball caps, etc can be purchased through several local businesses. The official city flag also proudly displays our white squirrel.
First established in 1925 as the Methodist Home for the aged, the Manor complex has grown and evolved into what is today, the Ozarks Methodist Manor.
Located in the heart of the community, the complex is located on the former site of the Marionville Collegiate Institute. The first student graduated in 1879. By 1924, tax-supported high schools were in almost every town and the institution relocated to Carthage.
Today, the Complex maintains 58 cottage units for independent living, a 58 bed healthy care facility, 45 apartments for assisted living, and an administration building. Visitors to Marionville can usually be assured of a glimpse of a white squirrel or two somewhere on the complex.
Among the white squirrels, Marionville also has their annual Applefest.
If you travel through Missouri, I suggest you google a map of the small but growing town and stop in for a spell. If you are lucky, you just might spot a white squirrel.
IN THE NEWS: Genetic Patents
health industry technology
ACLU: Human Gene Patents Infringe Speech
By David Kravetsfrom
The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Patent and Trademark Office and a research company awarded exclusive rights to human genes known to detect early signs of breast or ovarian cancer. The group claims the patents violate speech by restricting research.
The novel case, if successful, opens the door to challenges of a host of other patented genes: about one-fifth of the human genome is covered under patent applications and claims. The ACLU’s case is believed to be the first to challenge a patented gene under a civil rights allegation.
"... About one-fifth of the human genome is covered under patent applications and claims."
According to the federal lawsuit, (.pdf) filed in the Southern District of New York, the First Amendment is at stake because the patents are so broad they bar scientists from examining and comparing the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes at the center of the dispute. In short, the patents issued more than a decade ago cover any new scientific methods of looking at these human genes that might be developed by others.
“All identifying of differences, including those that are found in the future by anyone to correlate with an increased risk of cancer, are patented. Myriad did not create any of the differences found in the genes. Nature did,” said the suit, referencing patent holder Myriad Genetics of Salt Lake City.
The ACLU, representing dozens of patients and researchers, said the case challenges the legality and constitutionality of granting patents covering the “most basic element of every person’s individuality.” The civil rights group maintains that, “What is patented is the abstract idea that nature has made the two genes different in a manner that increases that person’s risk” of cancer.
The patents at issue gave Myriad Genetics a virtual monopoly on such predictive testing for breast and ovarian cancer, according to the suit. Women who fear they may be at an increased risk are barred from having anyone look at their BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes or interpret them except for the patent holder, which charges about $3,000 per test.
Myriad, which had issued a cease-and-desist order to Yale University scientists researching the genes, did not immediately respond for comment.
About 10 percent of women with breast cancer are likely to have a mutation inherited from their parents in the genes at issue, according to the suit.
Patents for exclusive genetic testing have also been issued for a host of genes, including those related to cystic fibrosis, heart arrhythmias and hemochromatosis.
The Patent and Trademark Office first issued a patent for a human gene in 1982 to the Regents of the University of California in connection to a hormone promoting breast development during pregnancy.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Cyberset Music presents Pete Ardron Inside The Voice Inside
Review by Tim FennellThis recording comes to us from Cyberset, a label that promotes themselves as developing the careers of artists that are creating music that "emphasizes community, personal growth, social conscience, and ecological awareness.” I think this is fantastic. I truly believe in spreading a word through the music, I really do.
From the Cyberset website: "No stranger to creating sacred chill spaces and taking an audience on an aural frequency mind trip, Pete Ardron has been doing this for more than a decade and released outstanding albums on Liquid Sound, Universal Egg and Ultra Vista Recordings. Cyberset has licensed two of his latest creations that will please most ambient, downtempo and chillout aficionados.
Inside The Voice Inside takes a listener into vocal atmospheres, deeply dubbed grooves, jazz inspired rhythms and pretty much influences from all sides of electronica, all wound together into an intricate and delightful listening experience that will elate and enlighten as easily as it will chill."
This record holds a background track for the applications of yoga, massage, jogging, tennis lessons… perhaps some light yard work? However, if you want me to tell you what I think is exciting about the record, I can't. This is nothing I haven't heard before. It sounds like something one would hear in a Pepsi commercial, or something you would hear just before your favorite motivational speaker jumped on stage to teach you how to fix your life. (Here's where the "create" discrepancy returns.) Quite frankly, it sounds like something anybody could do, so long as they have a Macbook with Garage Band and Fruity Loops plus a simple ability to copy and paste, and -bang! - “Check out this song I just created!" I'm sorry, CD this is not my favorite! I felt it could have reached a much better potential, and it took a long time getting to the point. Loop, sample, loop, sample, all day long. Makes me yawn. Go see what you think about it at and at I take consideration that it is filed under as Ambient/Downtempo/Chillout, fittingly so. I do think and hope that this record will contribute to the improvement of something, and for that I will give it 5 stars. The music, however... not so much.~TF
[Editor's note: Eh, perhaps electronica wasn't the best choice of review material to give Tim Motus to write about. I however find this stuff lovely, but hey, to each their own cup of tea. So maybe next time I'll look for a dance-clubber to take the it, LOL! :) Tim's ear-scorching North County San Diego dark metal band MOTUS can be found on myspace at ~RR]
Reviewer Choice: Emily Haines
Emily Haines of Metric
Review by Joyce DamagedPhotos of Emily Haines by Reviewer Rob
Good-morning/evening lost and found souls of this planet we call Earth. My name is Joyce and I have been given the task of writing a review of talented writers, artists, and musicians alike. This week’s topic will be focused on MUSICIANS.
Emily Haines is an amazingly talented musician with a perfectly angelic singing voice who has been getting a lot of airplay for some time on San Diego's FM radio station 94.9 with "Monster Hospital" and now with "Help I'm Alive." She was born in 1974 in New Delhi, India, and raised in Canada. You can grab tracks from her band Metric at I had the pleasure of listening to her song, "Twilight Galaxy" among many others on her page. I give her 5 Daggers (stars are so over rated! 5 Daggers is the same as 5 Stars). I highly suggest you swing by her page and give her music a listen and add it to your play list, if not then may the Egyptian Plagues be swift and merciful on your soul! I also highly suggest you check out her father’s (posthumously maintained) page on Myspace and show the family some respect at Emily's song "Twilight Galaxy" had a groovy uplifting beat that I am sure you will love, but don't stop there, listen to the rest.
Watch Emily Haines. Watch her closely in 2009.
Metric's website:
This is Joyce Damaged signing off and saying, "If the bed bugs bite, don't fret, bite back!"Below: Emily Haines on stage with her band METRIC at the Casbah in San Diego, and above-left outside after her set, photographed by Reviewer Rob, possibly sometime in 2003.
[Show and Tell]
Below: from The Bart Dickson Omnibus (Comix for Grownups), "A Graphic Novella," by Borin Van Loon, 2005,, Severed Head Books, 117 Belle Vue Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP42RD, UK.
Tornado Divorce
Below: a press release excerpt and photo from Family, a new monograph by Chris Verene, from Twin Palms Publishers, Santa Fe, NM.
FamilyChris Verene
“Verene walks right into the lives of his folks, showing you how they are, without any embarrassment on either side. Their togetherness is taken for granted so openly that the viewer feels at each moment like one of them, a member of the clan. Verene’s color [is] tender, warm and sensual, though stops well short of being glamorous . . . flooding them all with a strange, sweet romance. These pictures convey his bittersweet fondness for a smaller world in which he grew up but no longer shares, but which has lessons to teach him about the inroads of ageing, disability and other difficulties. People do what they can to help each other and themselves, all from ‘leaking boats.’ Meanwhile, the dark room and the night bring tidings of their isolation. Many viewers are familiar with visits back home in this mood, which Verene renders luminous and fatal.” ~ Max Kozloff, The Theater of the Face: Portrait Photography Since 1900
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thoughts on Mother's Day, by alt-photog Chase Lisbon
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click here to view the post.
Happy Mother's Day, everyone
"I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world"
Lyrics: TIME TO PRETEND, by MGMT'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life
Let's make some music, make some money, find some models for wives
I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin and f*ck with the stars
You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars
This is our decision to live fast and die young
We've got the vision, now let's have some fun
Yeah, it's overwhelming but what else can we do
Get jobs in offices and wake up for the morning commute?
Forget about our mothers and our friends
We were fated to pretend
To pretend
We were fated to pretend
To pretend
I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms
I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world
I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home
Yeah, I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone
But there is really nothing, nothing we can do
Love must be forgotten, life can always start up anew
The models will have children, we'll get a divorce
We'll find some more models, everything must run its course
We'll choke on our vomit and that will be the end
We were fated to pretend
To pretend
We were fated to pretend
To pretend
I said yeah, yeah, yeah
All right yeah, yeah, yeah
I said yeah, yeah, yeah
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Franki Doll & The Broken Toys
Franki Doll in the flesh
Reviewer Rob did a photo shoot and video interview with Franki Doll who is the tattooed soprano lead singer of Franki Doll & The Broken Toys. The Huntington Beach band takes their name from the scene in the Christmas animated TV show Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer wherein The Island of Misfit Toys makes an appearance.Franki sang a rousing a capella chorus on video and posed for the camera. Very cool and professional. :)
Check her out online at, or at her ModelMayhem modeling page at
Check out the photo gallery HERE from the shoot.
Above: the heavily edited "YouTube-safe" version of the video.
Below: Franki Doll in performance, an image from her myspace.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
great fashion
Thomasscelli Designs
Video interview and reviews by Reviewer RobJanese is a fashion designer currently living in Oceanside, north of San Diego, who makes fine garments for fashionable females by rescuing vintage clothes that are given to her from estate sales which she then reconfigures into new outfits. For example, she often makes sexy skirts from dozens of men's ties for about $120 (or $100 if you provide the ties). In an age when more and more people are thinking green and recycling, her style of designing is only beginning to come into its own. Visit her website at You will fall in love with her work immediately. We did! ~Reviewer Rob
[Editor's note: we want to do more coverage of this woman's line so watch for a page that will be loaded up in the next few days that will have more videos, pics and info. :) ~RR]
Friday, May 1, 2009
Remembering CBGBs
Burning Down the House
from realize the few screenings for this movie soldout quickly so I'll share my feedback for anyone who missed it, as I just saw it last night. Although I hate long, intellectualized movie reviews, I found I have more to say than I expected.
First of all, due to the fact that this movie hits New Yorkers on a more emotional level than anywhere else, I'm extremely surprised and disappointed that I saw no attention paid to this film on NY1, the Village Voice or the papers.....especially after the onslaught of coverage or support upon the club's closing. It’s a special movie that deserves more.
The filmmaker Mandy Stein is the daughter of Seymour Stein (Sire Records), a native New Yorker with a lifetime’s exposure to the Ramones, etc., and also made “Too Tough To Die (tribute to Johnny)”. The post-movie panel included Tommy Ramone and Chris Frantz (THeads), but I found more interest in what Jesse Malin and Trigger had to say about other NYC club closings and the sad state of affairs, as well as Mandy’s insights on Hilly (& Muzzy).
As the title suggests, the movie focuses more on the politics and the emotions of CBGB’s latter situation, as opposed to hours of live concert footage (though it certainly includes some). And if you happen to have spent years there, it’s disturbing to watch the place being torn apart, and watch Hilly’s health deteriorate. The ending brought back to me all the frustration and anger we dealth with, towards Muzzy and Mayor Bloomber's inability to negotiate.
Thanks to Mandy for making this documentary which will stand the test of time as a historical account of a universally important rocknroll era, not just a club. It’s a witness for those who never made the trek there, and certainly puts ‘closing’ rumors and questions to rest.
Unfortunately there’s no distribution deal for this film yet, but as soon as any more viewings or a dvd become available, you’ll be sure to know here! I’m sure some of you will find yourselves in cameos.
On a personal note I once again want to thank Kabi, Little Steven, Tommy Ramone and Blondie’s members for their constant support to Hilly and CBGB, when so many others who started there could not be “found”. As well as the CBGB employees and Mandy. You rock.
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